Friday 13 August 2010

Colmers Hill

Colmers Hill, everybody knows Colmers Hill. Mind you, I think of the people living round Bridport. But who has been up the top recently? Or ever? Last week I went up there with a friend and she said, that this hill was always very important for her and her little son since they came to Bridport. Hehe, but had never been up on the top. So, that's done. And me dopie, left my real Panama hat up there! Sh..!

Foto: Colmers Hill, by Elizabeth, Bridport 2010

Thursday 5 August 2010

Fly fly fly away

As it is holiday time in the UK, many of you are off for a holiday abroad and most probably by some kind of plane. Tell me, have you ever looked close at an ordinary fly? If not, here is an example to study. A close up foto which shows a lot of details and might give you something to think about when you sit in an Airbus to Teneriffe.